Apex Director MV Whitlow speaks with Coaches Greg Cannella, Andy Shay and Chris Gabrielli to discuss the current messaging to their teams and how they are dealing with quarantine life at home. This is a webinar with some of the best coaches in the entire game, with experience and track records to prove it. A MUST WATCH.
Head Coach Yale University - 17th Season
National Champions 2018
10 - Ivy Tournament appearances
7 - NCAA Tournament appearances
5 - Ivy Tournament Championships
3 - Ivy Regular Season titles
.728 winning percentage over the last ten years
Head Coach Providence - 6th Season
2014 New England Coach of the Year
Coached 4 All-Big East Selections
6 All-Big East Second Team Selections
2x Big East Goalie of the Year
6 Seasons as Duke Defensive Coordinator (2x National Champions)
Apex Webinar 002 from Apex Lacrosse Events on Vimeo.