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2020 Apex 60 RECAP: MVPs and Photos

By Jake Nordhausen, 08/23/20, 4:30PM EDT


"I wanted to reach out and thank you for a very well-run event! My son, Blake Morse #45, had an awesome time! By bringing in the PLL and MLL players to help coach and instruct the boys, you gave them an experience of a lifetime. What high school goalie gets to be coached and warmed up by Blaze Riordan and Kyle Bernlohr? Wow! 

Earlier this summer, when the NCAA ruled out D1 coaches, I was considering cancelling. I am so happy I didn’t. You did a great job of communicating the changes and keeping the camp at a high level and the competition was top-notch."

-Cinda Morse, Parent

PLL Players in Attendance 
Joe Nardella - Whipsnakes
Matt Rambo - Whipsnakes
Matt Dunn -  Whipsnakes
Kyle Bernlohr - Whipsnakes
TJ Comizio - Whipsnakes
Blaze Riorden - Whipsnakes
Jim Fahey - Cannons

Hunter Bis

2023/24 Apex 60 MVPs Hunter Bisbee, Rocco Bognet, Colella, and Jackson Henehan

2023 Apex 60 MVPs

Hunter Bisbee, 2023, Attack, NC Fusions, Grimsley HS

Kicking off the list of this top level talent, Bisbee showed up to play this past week at Apex 60.  Showing off slick change of direction moves all over the field Bisbee had coaches eyes on him fast. Never holding on to the ball for too long he is able to manipulate defensive slides to create offense(0:44).  Bisbee seemingly always puts the ball in the back of the net, and this week he looked textbook with his finishing. Sporting a simple overhand shot with some heat Bisbee never made it easy on the goalies. Around some of the countries best young players he seemed to stand out, and that should put him on every coaches radar.

Rocco Bognet, 2023, Goalie, Looneys Lacrosse Club, Loyola Blakefield HS

Fitting the bill for an MIAA goalie, Rocco Bognet looks to be a top level keeper early in his HS career. All week whether on the doorstep or from range Bognet made saves look easy against some of the best shooters in the country. His stance is poised and strong which seems to discourage shooters. Bognet communicated to his defense throughout the days as if he had been playing with them for years. For coaches who are looking for a guy ready to walk on to campus and make in impact Bognet can be that guy.

Ryan Colella, 2023, Defense, N.J Riot, Wayne Valley HS

Colella certainly woke up some coaches Monday morning with the physicality in his play. He is about as hard nose as hard nose gets and will out hustle almost anyone on the field. Colella played with controlled aggression all week and it showed all over the field. Fighting for every GB, there is no spot on the field he wont pressure(0:38).  Include his transition play into the picture, and Colella seems to have all the makings of an elite defenders with D1 talent. 

Jackson Henehan, 2023, Faceoff, Eastern Mass Hawks, Marshfield HS

During the All-Star game Henehan made sure his team had possession of the ball for a majority of the game.  Using  his strength and body position Henehan can slow down the draw and create safe and clean exits (0:37). However Henehan frequently can get a quick pinch and pop to create offensive opportunities. The versatility in his faceoff game showed strong this week, and with his ability to turn transition breaks into  scores Henehan has what it takes to compete at the D1 level. 

2021 & 2022 MVPs

2021/2022 Apex MVPs Carter Kempney, Cardin Stoller, Tim Evnin, Max Wooten and Quinn Warwick

Carter Kempney, 2022, Midfield, Orange Crush Lacrosse, Carthage HS

Kempney was chosen as the overall Offensive MVP of the event, and if you were lucky enough to watch him play you would see that he was hands down the only choice. Operating from the midfield, Kempney draws a slide on almost every dodge, and if they don't come to support the ball he will punish the defense(0:28). His stick looked smooth all week sensing defenders on his back and pulling shots at the right moment. Kempney is not afraid to get downhill and physical on the dodge initiating contact. Add in his clinical overhand shot and this kids potential as a D1 player seem to be limitless. 

Cardin Stoeller, 2022, Goalie, Team 91 Maryland, Boys Latin School

Cardin Stoller Apex 60 Defensive MVP is a college ready keeper for any top level program. His size coupled with his athleticism make for some really eye catching saves. Stoller was a general on the field commanding his defenses at will. Echoing calls and slides while maintaining a perfect stance Stoller seems to be everything you ask for in a D1 goaltender. Listen to Cardin give a post Apex 60 interview below. 

Tim Evnin, 2022, Attack, Express North, St. Georges School

Whether it be a Long pole or a Short stick matchup Evnin is not afraid to push it to the cage. During the All-Star game,  Evnin displayed some insane crease finishing and split dodges to prove why he earned his spot. Decisive in his dodging Evnin always commits to a dodge with full force, but knows when it is time to pull it out. On a stacked offense in the All-Star game he was able to separate himself from the pack, and that alone should warrant more attention from D1 coaches.

Max Wooten, 2021, Defense, Amped Lacrosse, Albemarle HS

Wootens size and speed make him a good recruit, but it's his athleticism and game sense that make him a great recruit. Wooten was aggressive and physical on ball typically not giving offensive players a second to breath. Off the ball he showed promise in his ability to get into rotations and time up approaches(0:53). Wooten had clean pickups off the ground, and was able to turn them into successful clears with his stick or his feet.  Wooten seems to have slipped through the cracks because he appears to have everything you ask for in a D1 defender 

Quinn Warwick, 2022, Faceoff, Nation United, Greenwich HS

Warwick is a complete faceoff man, and it was noticed this week. He is extremely patient at the X coordinating with his wings for clean exits. Warwick also shows pace with the ball by his ability to push transition. Never forcing the ball he seemed to know when the numbers were in his favor and when they were not. Warwick is no slouch on defense either playing physical on the hips and knowing when to throw checks. Just like every player on this list above him Warwick seems to be an easy choice for an addition to any D1 program.

2020 Apex 60 Photos

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